Welcome volunteers!

Hello dear volunteers! 

We are very happy that you have decided to work with us at the Home of Malaika!


On this site of the homepage you can see current needs or requests that are made by us from Germany to volunteers. You can also have a look at our website - there you will find all the information you need about our projects! Or have a look in to the volunteer folder at the project house. Otherwise, there is our WhatsApp group for an exchange or direct contact, in which you can write at any time.


If you want to write a short article (with pictures if you like) about your time in our project house, we would be very happy about it! Just contact Esther (number is in the WhatsApp group) with your text and pictures  and we will publish your text on our website. 


We are very happy that you are now a part of the Home of Malaika Family! 

What is generally always needed?

- school books for the remedial classes 

- pencils, pads, toys for remedial classes

- Beads and material for sewing group 


What is currently needed?

- A stove for the business classes

- laptop for the new employee 


Current activities which would need to be done in the project house / projects:

- Pictures and videos from the project house / from Arusha for our Instagram account (send directly to Esther)


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